Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Water Transmission Pipelines for Water Supply Enhancement for Consumption from Khlong Si Yat Reservoir to Khlong Luang Ratchalothon Reservoir Project, 2020-2021

Client: Provincial Waterworks Authority
TEAM GROUP was entrusted by Provincial Waterworks Authority with feasibility study and detailed design, preparation of specifications and tender documents, and construction cost estimation of Water Transmission Pipelines for Water Supply Enhancement for Consumption from Khlong Si Yat Reservoir to Khlong Luang Ratchalothon Reservoir Project. The project study period was 360 days. The project objective was to provide raw water sources and supply of about 35 million cu.m./year to Khlong Luang Ratchalothon Reservoir. This would increase the water treatment capacity of Khlong Luang Water