Project Management Consultant Service (PMC) for the Construction of Hospital Building and Siriraj Station

Owner : Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University

TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Public Company Limited or TEAM Group is entrusted by the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, to implement the project management consultant services (PMC) for the construction of hospital building and Siriraj Mass Rapid Station. The project consists of the 15-storey building with 3-storey basement with the total area of about 56,377 square meters. The building structure is divided into 3 major services as follows:


  1. Outpatient Department (OPD) provides services of general medical examination and medical specialties. The comprehensive services include clinics of general diseases, ophthalmology, LASIK center, clinical psychology, skin laser, physical medicine and rehabilitation, checkup center, and radiation diagnosis, etc.
  2. Inpatient Department (IPD) provides services of internal medicine care and postoperative patients. It consists of 12 ICU beds and 78 inpatient beds.
  3. Services of laboratory and special examination.
  4. Services of the Red Line Mass Transit station is in the building and the Mass Rapid Transit Orange Line station is nearby.


After the project completion, additional services for the patients who need surgery, at least 10,000 people per year, will be provided. The commuters will be able to access the hospital building by cars, sky trains and boats. Furthermore, the project will solve the problems of car parking in the area.