Survey and Design of the Chiang Mai International Airport Development Project Phase 1

Client: Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT)

The Chiang Mai International Airport Development Project Phase 1 aims to increase the airport’s capacity and construct sufficient facilities and public utility systems to serve increased air traffic volumes and at least 16.5 million annual passengers in accordance with international standards. The operations can be divided into the following three activities:


Group 1 involves the development of air zones; designing new parallel taxiways with express exit taxiways and improving 31 aircraft parking aprons by applying pipeline refueling systems.


Group 2 focuses on the development of passenger terminals and airline support buildings; designing a new international passenger terminal that will be 70,100 square meters in size and able to accommodate at least 5.3 million annual passengers at the south side of the original passenger terminal, transforming the original passenger terminal into a domestic terminal, as well as designing buildings for airport offices, airline officials, and parking areas.


Group 3 involves the development of airport support work; designing and improving the road system within airport areas by expanding the road into six traffic lanes (three entrances and three exits) with an elevated road dividing passengers between arrivals and departures, constructing an electrical substation and water production plant, as well as increasing the capacity of the wastewater treatment system.


In this regard, the Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA), which comprises TEAM SQ Company Limited, TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Public Company Limited, ATT Consultants Company Limited, International Engineering Consultants Company Limited, PPSN Company Limited, Decade Consultant Company Limited, Architects & Associates Company Limited, Fusion Consultant Company Limited, Good Space Company Limited, and C & C International Venture Company Limited, has been assigned as the consulting company to carry out the survey and design of the Chiang Mai International Airport Development Project Phase 1.