The 8th BANGKOK WATER SUPPLY Improvement Project
The MWA is undertaking construction of water supply facilities under the scope of the Eighth Bangkok Water Supply Improvement Project. This addresses the production system; the water transmission system; and the water distribution system. After project implementation, the total water production capacity at the four water treatment plants – Bangkhen, Mahasawat, Samsen and Thonburi – will be upgraded to 6.32 million m³ per day.
The main objective is to increase water supply production capacity at the Bangkhen Water Treatment Plant to 400,000 m³ per day and to install additional pumps and related facilities at various pump and distribution stations. Thus, the MWA will be able to extend the water supply service area by another 200 km². The additional capacity will contribute to sufficient water supply capacity up to 2017.
TEAM Consulting Engineering and Management Co., Ltd. is engaging in construction supervision and bid evaluation by providing overall guidance for project implementation including pre- and post-qualification of contractors, evaluation of bids, recommendation for contract awards etc.