On 10 September 2019, Mr. Chawalit Chantararat, TEAM GROUP’s President, delivered opening remarks for the seminar on “BIM – Revolutionary Technology for Construction Industry”, reiterating the Company’s intention to apply the advanced technology to its engineering and design works. Prof. Dr. Amorn Pimanmas, Association President of the TBIM-Thai Building Information Modeling Association (TBIM), together with TBIM Committee members: Mr. Phaithaya Banchakitikun, Mr. Theerawat Tangpraphuetkul, and Mr. Netinai Suesut, were the speakers. Dr. Saratchai Ongprasert, Director of Advanced Technology Center, was the MC of the seminar.
Dr. Prasert Patramai, TEAM GROUP’s Chairman of the Executive Board, also presented the financial assistance of 20,000 Baht to TBIM in the meeting room, on the 2nd floor, TEAM Building.