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Environmental Management Policy

  • The Company operates in strict compliance with the laws, regulations, and other requirements related to the environmental responsibilities of business entities.
  • The Company promotes and supports energy conservation with a focus on the use of renewable energy and efficient use of natural resources.
  • The Company strives to reduce GHG emissions to mitigate the effects of global warming.
  • The Company cooperates with nearby communities in treating wastewater to meet specified effluent disposal standards to reduce environmental impacts.
  • The Company strives to reduce the amount of waste generated by the office, inculcates environmental responsibility in its personnel at all levels, and encourages them to participate in formulating such practices.

Operational Guidelines

  • Strictly complying with laws, rules, and regulations on environmental protection.
  • Developing and improving the building’s environmental management system, encompassing use of water and energy, wastewater treatment and waste reduction to ensure efficient environmental conservation.
  • Encouraging employees to follow the guidelines for the effective use of resources, especially water and energy, to reduce the use of resources and waste generation.
  • Promoting necessary activities for instilling environmental responsibility in employees.
  • Aware of the effects of global warming, the Company is committed to operating and/or cooperating with relevant agencies to reduce GHG emissions.


1) Energy Management


In 2023, the amount of PV-generated electricity used by the Company could be converted to the reduction of Scope 2 GHG emissions as shown below.


During 2020-2023, the Company’s electricity consumption tended to decline, partly due to the installation of the PV solar system and the smart chiller system which enabled the Company to economize on electricity consumption. In 2024, the Company aims to reduce the electricity consumption for 1%

2) Water Resource Management

The Company realizes the importance of water resources. Therefore, effective use of these resources has been promoted among employees continuously to encourage water conservation practices; examples are turning off taps after use, using water-saving appliances

(e.g. taps that stop automatically), and regular inspection and maintenance of the piped water system to prevent leakage. In 2024, the Company aims to reduce the water consumption for 1%



The volumes of water used at TEAM Building from 2020 to 2023 are shown below.

3) Wastewater Management

The Company has adopted a fixed film aeration system with capacity of 100 cubic meters per day for treating wastewater generated by different activities within TEAM Building. The effluent that is discharged into public drains meets the effluent disposal standards established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.



On a regular basis, the Company has inspected wastewater quality, recorded data, produced reports, and maintained the equipment in the wastewater treatment system. In case the effluent quality does not meet the required standard, the Company shall immediately take action to improve the quality before releasing the effluent into the public drainage system. The volumes of wastewater treated from 2020 to 2023 are shown below.

4) Solid Waste and Pollution Management

The Company is committed to reducing and making use of solid waste in line with the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) approach, especially with respect to wastepaper generated by report preparation. An active measure is to ensure that both sides of paper are used for printing. When such paper is no longer needed, it is sold for recycling. Staff members are also encouraged to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags, sort out used plastic bottles for recycling, and use eco-friendly office equipment.


To reduce the use of paper and promote a paperless working environment, documents such as meeting agendas and employee performance evaluation forms are stored in digital format and sent by email. In addition, a document management system is adopted in all projects related to construction management and supervision which results in the reduction of hard copies such as circular letters, accounting, financial, and procurement documents.


These measures have been imposed as the company’s main target for executives and employees to carry out in line with the guidelines on conservation of natural resources and environmental protection. Through careful practice, environmental impacts on surrounding communities are minimized.


In 2023, the waste in the Company is 129 tons. The Company aims to reduce the waste for 2% in 2024.


5) Reduction of GHG Emissions

The Company is aware of the impacts of global warming and severe climate change caused by GHGs directly and indirectly generated by business activities. In 2022, data were collected and the amount of GHGs emitted by the Company’s activities was calculated in accordance with the carbon footprint assessment program provided by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization). Details are shown below.

Scope 1 Emission: Direct emission that is caused by the combustion of various fuels used by the Company such as diesel, gasoline, refrigerant leakage, as well as methane gas buildup in wastewater treatment systems.

Scope 2 Emission: Indirect emission that is caused by the consumption of electricity as detailed in the section on “Energy Management”.

Scope 3 Emission: Other types of indirect emissions that are caused by the use of fuels by traveling employees as well as the use of paper, tap water, and amount of waste generated.


To address the GHG emission issue, the company focuses on reducing the use of electricity as detailed in the section on “Energy Management” as well as the use of resources and consumables such as paper, plastic bottles, and plastic bags. The measures imposed include reuse of different items and paperless operations.



GHG emissions by the Company’s activities in 2023 were shown in the table below.

*The Company’s GHG emissions of 2023 have been verified by SGS (Thailand) Limited. Currently, the Company is in the registering process of a carbon footprint label, which is under the third review cycle of 2024 by Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization).


In 2024, the Company aims to reduce GHG emissions by 2% of those emitted in 2023. The following measures have been devised:




 Scope 1

 Use of diesel vehicles


 Use of air-conditioner refrigerants


 Biological oxygen demand (BOD) value of wastewater in septic tank        


Replace some of the Company’s diesel cars with hybrid cars


Plan to replace old air-conditioners with new ones


Set criteria for work-from-home/online meeting schedules

 Scope 2

 Electricity consumption in the building                   


Reduce electricity consumption by 1%

 Scope 3

 Use of paper   


 Air travel by employees   


 Use of tap water      



 Amount of waste in the organization                           


Promote paperless operations and reuse of paper


Encourage employees to choose low-emission airlines


Promote the reduction of water use


Reuse the waste, as indicated by 3R: reduce, reuse and recycle.